Our Shorebird Recovery Program on Ormond Beach and Hollywood Beach entails science (nest monitoring, nest sight selection research), habitat protection (fencing nesting areas, signage, predator exclosures) and outreach (our volunteer naturalist program).

After completing classroom and field training about snowy plover and least tern identification and life history, they become ambassadors for these species on local beaches and become important members of our shorebird recovery team. Volunteers engage the public, help protect nesting habitat, and collect scientific data.
We work to preserve natural habitats by reviewing and commenting on environmental documents for land use to the various government agencies involved in planning and, where necessary, supporting legal action to ensure protection of environmental quality and diversity.
We have ongoing work days to restore natural areas and improve habitat in the Santa Clara River through removal of non-native plants and re-vegetation with native plants.
Learning, teaching about birds, and sharing the experience of watching them in the field together is not only a joy and a way to build community, but it is critical to help motivate others to protect birds and their habitat.

Share the Shore works to educate children to be good stewards of the earth. The Ventura Audubon supports Audubon Adventures programs in local classrooms.
Ventura's wildlife and wild places define our landscape, bring us joy, and show us how important it is that we protect our natural world. The support of our community is critical to ensuring that people today and 100 years from now have the opportunity to connect with nature and will get to experience our state’s wild places firsthand.
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If you prefer to join VAS by check, use our Membership Form - print and complete it, then mail it with a check made payable to the Ventura Audubon Society to the address listed on the form.