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Caspian Tern - Santa Clara River - 4.28.



VAS has no shortage of opportunities to volunteer. If you care about birds and habitat protection, your help is needed. Volunteering is rewarding — especially when you see that your efforts make a difference, and Ventura Audubon is making a difference! Join us by taking the survey below to determine your interests so we can best direct your name to the most appropriate contact. In responding to the survey be sure to leave your contact information, and your survey response will be forwarded to our Conservation Chair. Thank you for your interest in the natural world. 


If you'd like to get involved, but don't know how, fill out this survey.
We have volunteer needs in the following areas:
  • ​Conservation Committee
  • Education Committee
  • Field Trip Leaders
  • Newsletter
​Please share a little information about your interests and background. This will help us identify chapter activities that will best suit your interests. We welcome all levels of birding enthusiasts and non-birders. We seek volunteers interested in making the world a better place for birds and wildlife. 
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